
Hydroprocess contributes to the improvement of hydrometallurgical processes

Sustainability and innovation are topics that form part of the seminar’s technical programme which includes 45 presentations by professionals from 11 countries.

July 12 2013

In light of striving to improve hydrometallurgical processes the 5th International Seminar on process hydrometallurgy, Hydroprocess 2013, is organized by Gecamin and Montana Tech of the University of Montana, USA.

The seminar’s technical programme includes a total of 45 presentations given by renowned professionals from 11 countries. Among the topics covered are sustainability and innovation. In this light, the panel discussion entitled “Transport and impact of sea water on hydrometallurgical processes” is extremely relevant, as it will seek to analyse innovations and best practices in the aqueous processing of minerals.

Over 200 participants attended the seminar’s inauguration ceremony which was presided by Gabriel Meruane, R&D Project Director at SQM, Chile. Additionally, Carlos Díaz, VIcepresident of Nitrate Operations at Yodo, SQM, Chile, gave the keynote entitled “One hundred years of Hydroprocess innovation: The case of the nitrate and iodine industry in Chile.”

Also noteworthy are the five plenary talks scheduled to be given by Courtney Young and Nick Gow from Montana Tech and FLSmidth, USA respectively; Cecilia Demergasso from the Unviersidad Católica del Norte, Chile; Helbert Galdos, Javier Guevara and Arnaldo Saavedra from the Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SAA, Peru; and Jorge Menacho from De Re Metallica, Chile.