
89 papers make up the Geomin and Mineplanning preliminary programme

The organising committees and advisors of both seminars met to plan the programme and development of these events, which are to be held together from 24- 26 July in Santiago, Chile.

April 19 2013

The technical programmes for the 2013 seminars Geomin and Mineplanning are almost finished. There are 89 papers already approved from 14 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Peru, The United States and Chile.

Geomin 2013 – the 3rd International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry – will be held simultaneously with the 3rd International Seminar on Mine Planning – Mineplanning 2013. On 24 July, more than 400 professionals and technicians in geology and mine planning will meet in Santiago,Chile.

In order to work on the programmes and development of both these events, the respective organising committees and advisors have held extended meetings.

In the case of Geomin, the meeting was lead by its president, Manuel Durán, Planning and Development Manager of Compañía Minera Teck Quebrada Blanca, Chile. For Mineplanning, the chairman Octavio Araneda – Vice-President of Operations, South-Central Region, Codelco, Chile – presided the meeting.

Geomin is organised by Gecamin and is privileged to have the institutional collaboration of McGill University (Canada). The seminar will include lectures on exploration, data management, modelling and geostatistics,  geotechnics and geomechanics, applied mineralogy, geology for mining and production, and geometallurgy.

Mineplanning is organised by Gecamin and the Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) from the University of Alberta in Canada. The presentations of this seminar will cover topics related to planning strategies, transition from open pit to underground mining, risk and uncertainty estimation of mining plans, and mathematical programming models for mine planning, among others.

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