
The Mapla-Mantemin 2016 Congress will address optimization in the mining industry

The event will take place between September 7-9, 2016 at the Hotel Enjoy in Antofagasta, Chile.

January 20 2016

The current climate in the mining sector means that mining companies are having to look at different options to optimize their businesses. With this in mind, the 13th International Congress on Mining Maintenance, Mapla-Mantemin 2016, will present developments in emerging technologies and best practices in asset management applied to equipment maintenance in mining operations and mining plants, and its impact on productivity.

The congress, which will take place between September 7-9 in the Hotel Enjoy in Antofagasta, Chile, and has as its main theme “Managing Assets to Optimize the Mining Business”, will be an opportunity to understand how technology contributes to the integration of maintenance and operations. This is key for operational continuity and the increase in the value of the mining business. 

Productivity and maintenance impact in the mining business, asset management strategies, operation and maintenance strategies, technological innovation in asset management and information systems and software are just some of the topics that will be discussed. 

The congress is organized by Gecamin and will be chaired by Freddy Lara who is Corporate Head of Maintenance Management at Codelco, Chile.

Forty papers were presented at the last edition of Mapla-Mantemin in 2015 and over 250 delegates attended from 10 countries. 

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