New challenges facing the mining industry has resulted in rapid growth and development in the field of geometallurgy. As the industry continues to exploit smaller ore with lower grades, it is becoming more and more relevant to analyze the special distribution of variables such as hardness and recovery.
Moreover, as metal and non-metal mining is taking place in every corner of the world, it is important and necessary to create spaces where professionals and specialists can come together and share experiences.
With this context as the backdrop, The 2nd International Seminar on Geometallurgy, Geomet 2014, whose slogan is “Reducing risk and adding value to the mining business”, will take place from December 1-3 at the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, Chile. The organizing committee has already approved over 40 abstracts by authors from seven countries among which are Australia, Brazil, Chile, Peru and the United States.
The main topics to be covered at the seminar are sampling and orebody modeling, mineral characterization, applied mineralogy, principles and industry practices, as well as comminution, flotation and leaching optimization and prediction, among others.
The technical program also includes two confirmed plenary presentations and one short course prior to the seminar titled “Clay in Andean porphyry copper deposits: Geometallurgical implications.” Úrsula Kelm, Marcos Pincheira and Óscar Jerez from the Institute of Applied Geology Economics at the University of Concepción, Chile will give the course.
Geomet 2014 −organized by the Institute of Applied Geology Economics and Gecamin− is chaired by Sergio Spichiger, Mine Geology Manager at Anglo American, Chile; and Regina Baumgartner, Senior Geoscientist at Gold Fields Exploration, Peru, will co-chair the event.
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