A couple years ago, the main concern within the mining industry was the scarcity of qualified personnel. Today the challenge is to improve productivity and, in this commodity industry, the key factor that marks a competitive edge is human capital.
This is the context in which the 3rd International Seminar on Human Capital Management in Mining, Hrmining 2014, will be developed, with the slogan “Optimizing mining productivity through human capital.”
The event will take place from November 19-21 at the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, Chile, and will be chaired by Diego Hernández, CEO of Antofagasta plc.
The technical program includes over 40 presentations by authors from six countries, among which are Australia, Chile, Peru and the USA. Themes covered by presentations range from best practices in staff management for the mining industry; the strategic role of human resources to reach productivity; technical and professional competence development; to skilled networking with supplier companies.
Moreover, there will be six plenary presentations and two panel discussions where renowned executives from the mining industry will focus on the challenges and approaches that should be present in the mining sector’s productivity agenda.
As a complementary activity prior to the seminar there will be three short courses which will address the self-efficacy and female leadership in the mining industry, generational conflict management, and how to apply Focal Coaching® while leading mining teams.
Hrmining 2014 is organized by Innovum Fundación Chile and Gecamin.
More information: gecamin.com/hrmining