
Empowering productivity and cost reduction will be prominent at Automining 2014 technical program

The event –which will take place from November 5-7 at the Sheraton Miramar Hotel, Viña del Mar, Chile includes a preliminary program with over 35 approved abstracts from 9 countries.

September 01 2014

The challenges facing the mining industry to remain sustainable while improving productivity make it increasingly important to understand the development, management, integration and impact of technologies used in automation.

For this reason, the 4th International Congress on Automation in Mining, Automining 2014, will address these and other themes, focusing on empowering productivity and cost reduction.

The event –which will take place from November 5-7 at the Sheraton Miramar Hotel, Viña del Mar, Chile includes a preliminary program with more than 35 approved abstracts from 9 countries among which are Australia, Colombia, Chile, Peru and USA.

Among the main themes covered by the congress are process modeling, control and optimization; predictive and scheduled maintenance; data mining and statistical analysis; automation management, control systems techno-economic assessment, and energy efficiency.

The program also includes six plenaries presentations and prior to the seminar there will be one short course entitled “New tools to improve operation of mineral processes”, which will be given by professor Sirish Shah, University of Alberta, Canada, and professor Luis Bergh, professor, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile.

Automining 2014 organized by Gecamin and the University of Alberta, Canada will be chaired by Patricio Chacana, Plant Manager, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile; and Dr. Sirish Sha, University of Alberta, as vice president.

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