
Photo: Courtesy of Codelco Photo: Courtesy of Codelco

Tailings 2014 will focus on new technologies for improving water recovery

The 2nd International Seminar on Tailings Management, Tailings 2014, to take place from August 20-22 in Antofagasta, Chile, boasts a preliminary program with more than 40 presentations from 10 countries.

July 03 2014

Tailings arrangement has become a crucial process, even making it a condition that influences mining projects’ viability. Tailing deposits design and efficient operation are also key aspects for optimal water management in the mining industry. For this reason, the 2nd International Seminar on Tailings Management, Tailings 2014, will feature the introduction of new technologies for water recovery improvement and deposits stability as its overarching theme. 

The seminar -which will take place from August 20-22 at the Enjoy del Desierto Hotel in Antofagasta, Chile- includes a preliminary program with more than 40 presentations from 10 countries and will cover themes such as long distance transport, dust control and revegetation.

One of the discussion panels is entitled “SERNAGEOMIN Guides for Tailings Management”, which will talk about tailing deposits closure. “This subject hasn’t been covered before and it’s relevant because it will be addressed from the regulator’s point of view”, says Sergio Barrera, Senior Tailings Management Consultant and the Tailings 2014 technical coordinator. 

Furthermore, there are five plenary presentations confirmed, to be given by Patricio Renner, JRI Engineering, who will speak for first time on the present and future of tailings in Chile; and Paul Slatter, ATC Williams, who will present the experience with tailings in Australia and Brazil; among other experts. In addition, a technical visit to Minera Centinela (ex Minera Esperanza) is scheduled for Saturday, August 23. 

Tailings 2014 -organized by Gecamin and The University of British Columbia- will be chaired by Jorge Betzhold, Vice President of Resources, Planning and Development, Minera Escondida, Chile; and Professor Dirk van Zyl, NBK Institute of Mining Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada, as vice president.

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