
Water in Mining 2014 will bring together participants from 20 countries

The 4th International Congress on Water Management in Mining, Water in Mining 2014, will include 65 technical presentations by authors from 20 countries.  

May 20 2014

Sustainable water management throughout the entire mining cycle will be the focus of the 4th International Congress on Water Management in Mining, Water in Mining 2014, to take place from May 28-30 at the Sheraton Miramar Hotel in Viña del Mar, Chile. 

The event, organized by the Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry of the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland, and the company Gecamin, will include a technical program made up of 65 presentations by authors from 20 countries. Alvaro Hernández, Congress President and Director of Water Resources at Codelco, Chile, will give the inauguration speech entitled “Updating the scope of water resources for mining.” 

Moreover, the Congress Vice-president and Director of the Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, Neil McIntyre, will address the issue of how the global vision of water management in mining can be integrated at a regional level, taking into account both environmental factors and social factors while also involving community participation.

Other keynote speakers will be Vinio Floris, North American Environmental, Health and Occupational Safety Manager at TETRA Technologies, USA, who will speak about water management under international standards; and Maria Cristina Betancour, Director of Cochilco Studies, Chile, who will analyze current and projected consumption of water in copper mining. 

As complementary activities prior to the congress there will be two short courses and a workshop. These courses are entitled “Water management during mining operations and mine closure”, “Environmental assessment of mining projects under international standards” and “Sea water: An alternative supply for mining projects”.

Registration for the congress and the short courses are open at