To learn about the latest advances in sampling and homogenization, professionals and experts from around the world will gather at the 6th World Conference on Sampling and Blending, WCSB6, to be held at the Marriott Hotel in Lima, Peru, November 19-22.
The conference features a technical program consisting of more than 40 presentations from 14 countries, three plenary presentations and two professional development courses. WCSB6 seeks to provide a forum to address the issues of sampling and its use in services related to mining engineering, geology, metallurgy and environment.
Amongst the numerous papers to be presented, the presentation by Dominque François-Bongarçon from AGORATEK International, Canada can be highlighted. The presentation entitled “A New Philosophy of Application of QA-QC Data Processing” proposes a new approach to enhance the possibility of obtaining a reasonably clean assay database.
Also worth mentioning is Geoffrey K. Robinson’s presentation from CSIRO Computational Informatics, Australia entitled “Some questions about blending” which examines critial issues planners should take into consideration with making decisions in their plants.
The WCSB6 inauguaration ceremony will feature the keynote “Development and revision of ISO sampling standards” by Ralph Holmes, Stream Leader – Carbon Steel CSiro Minerals, Australia. The congress is chaired by Alfredo Marín, International Geostatistic Consultant from the National Engineering University of Peru, and organized by Gecamin.
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