
The experience of the largest fleet of autonomous trucks in the world will be presented in seminars Geomin and Mineplanning

The above case takes place in a Chilean operation and is one of a total of 73 presentations that make up the technical program of both seminars, including practical studies and experiences marked by innovation.

July 29 2013



A planning model adapted to the operating conditions and functioning parameters of autonomous transport systems, is operated by the Division of Gabriela Mistral, Chilean operation that has the world's largest autonomous truck fleet. 


The mechanism that explains how this model operates will be discussed at the 3rd International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, Geomin 2013, and the 3rd International Seminar on Mine Planning, Mineplanning 2013, meetings to be held together from 24 to 26 July in Santiago de Chile.


According to the authors of the presentation, this technology is a transport system, implemented in software, that allows the trucks be operated from a central station. The trucks are equipped with a wireless navigation system that allows remote communication.


Gabriela Mistral mine has developed a planning method that incorporates several variables such as the design of operating area for loading and haulage equipment inside of the mine, track width, route development and improvements in transport performance, ramps and dump designs, among other variables.


GEOMIN and MINEPLANNING are organized by Gecamin and the Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) of Alberta University in Canada, and have the institutional collaboration of McGill University from Canada. Presidents of Geomin and Mineplanning are Mr. Octavio Araneda, Vice President of Operations Codelco, South-Central Region, and Manuel Duran, Independent Consultant.


The technical program of both seminars comprises 73 presentations from 13 countries. These include experiences and case studies characterized by innovation, eight plenary talks and two previous courses.