With projected investments reaching $100 million as well as dynamic development, the mining industry is now forced to face one of its greatest challenges: meet the demand of qualified professionals for specific jobs that the industry will require in the coming years.
Conscience of the need to investigate this issue, Gecamin and the Centre for Innovation in Human Capital at Fundación Chile have organised the 2nd International Seminar on Human Capital Management in the Mining Industry- HRMINING 2012- which will take place between 7 and 9 November in the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, Chile.
The seminar’s technical programme includes more than 40 presentations by authors from around the world who will discuss diverse topics of interest to the mining industry. Among the presentations will be four discussion panels surrounding the initiatives for developing the mining labour force in Chile; best training practices used by supplier companies; the human resources situation in other mining countries; and the attraction and livability of mining sites and cities.
The meeting will be presided by Alex Jacques, Vice President of Human Resources at BHP Billiton Base Metals (Chile). Additionally, the Vice President of Human Resources and Security at the Compañía Minera Antamina (Peru), Silvio Brigneti, will act as the Vice President of the seminar.
A specialisation course entitled “Managing human capital in a mining environment” will also be offered by experts from the Centro Minero Innovum at the Fundación Chile on 6 and 7 November.
Registration is open at www.hrmining2012.com