Industry Leaders

Mine Vice-President, Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile, and Chair of Mantemin 2014 Mine Vice-President, Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile, and Chair of Mantemin 2014

Marcos Márquez

"Mantemin 2014 will generate space for participants to share new ideas"

August 25, 2014

Chair of Mantemin 2014 hopes new ideas presented to the mine operators allows them to improve productivity and be more cost-effective.

What are some of the challenges that our country is facing in regard to mining equipment? 

The maintenance of mining equipment has the challenge of supporting productivity in a way that is not only reliable, but that also allows processes to run as cost-effective as possible and work towards a continuous improvement. To do this, maintenance professionals should be more efficient in their diagnosis of technical problems. 

In your opinion, what is the trend we can expect to see in the near future in this area? 

The trend is a permanent challenge in the innovation of maintenance services in practices, systems and the type of services which are contracted. Along with those, there is a constant pressure to strengthen our capacity in order to reach our maximum potential.

In what way do you think that opportunities like Mantemin 2014 can help professionals in this area? 

For professionals in mining, Mantemin is always an opportunity to gather specialists from different areas that make up maintenance and provide useful input from distinct backgrounds and knowledge of the speakers. The fact that operators also participate in Mantemin, the conversation is much richer and without a doubt this event will generate space for participants to share new ideas and processes related to the maintenance of mining equipment. 

What objectives you hope you meet during this event?

My main objective is that Mantemin 2014 satisfies the technical expectations that participants may have, the conversations are attractive for everyone and new ideas are presented to the mine operators allowing them to improve productivity and be more cost-effective. Finally, that delegates enjoy themselves and the event is attractive to them, so that next year’s Mantemin continues to have the same energy that it does now.