Industry Leaders

Geostatistic International Consultant, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru Geostatistic International Consultant, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru

Alfredo Marín

“Young people from Chile and Peru see these new professional integration possibilities between both countries in a different perspective”

30 December 2013

The renowned geostatistic international consultant from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú analyzes how both countries have complemented their strength in the professional mining area.

What is the professional synergy that currently exists between Chile and Peru regarding mining?

There is a symbiosis and one proof is the 6° World Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB6) carried on in Peru recently, where many professionals from both countries participates. Chile has great mining experience and we are learning from them in all aspects.

It can be said that young professionals from Chile and Peru see these new professional integration possibilities between both countries in a different perspective, which will create deeper bonds.

What are the strengths of both countries?

Both Chile and Peru have big projects. Peruvian economy is still growing and has many deposits in development. As well as Chile grows, is an example for us.

New mining projects will have technical and training needs, therefore Chile can help us. Many of our young professionals are travelling and looking for training and specialization.

What Chilean professionals have to learn from the work done in Peru?

Both countries have a similar geology, that is why Chilean geologists come to strengthen and widen their knowledge. Our nature is very complex so they can learn from different types of mineral orebodies. Chilean explorers have also helped to discover mineral deposits in Peru.

Can Chile and Peru become a powerful unit?

This support and growth will continue since there are big orebodies that we will start working on. Toromocho project, in Peru, is a big copper orebody that has a potential of 700 millions of tons. This will allow more job positions in Peru as well as opportunities to Chilean professionals. It is known that new geology and mining schools are being created abroad.